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Multiple Free Lessons on How To Play A Set of Crystal Singing Bowls

Multiple Free Lessons on How To Play A Set of Crystal Singing Bowls

Multiple Free Lessons on How To Play A Set of Crystal Singing Bowls

At the Sound healing Instrument Shop, I don't just sell you crystal singing bowls, I want to make sure you have an idea of how to set up your singing bowls around you and how to get started in playing smoothly and softly.  In the videos below I demonstrate how your new set of perfect pitch bowls can sound together. WHen you purchase a set of crystal singing bowls I also give you a little print out page that shows you what you have and the relationship of some of the notes together. 

Here are several different videos you can watch to learn how to improve your playing. Remember, there are a limitless number of ways to play. These are just suggestions to get you started.  Have fun! 

Just released! The Art of the Crystal Singing Bowl Video Program

Would you like to learn how to uncover the unique emotional relationships between different notes, allowing you to craft captivating sound journeys using your singing bowls, customized for various intentions? The Art of The Crystal Singing Bowl is a user-friendly, hands-on course designed to teach you how to play and compose beautiful music with your collection of crystal singing bowls. By the conclusion of the course, you'll have access to a range of recipes and musical scores, enabling you to create a diverse array of sound journeys. With over 40 instructive videos at your disposal, why not experience the first few lessons at no cost and start transforming your life today!

Click here to Start Your Journey Today


Ashley picked out a set of 8 perfect pitch crystal singing bowls using the G Mixolydian Scale. The notes of her crystal singing bowl set include G3, A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4.  This is the video I created for her to get her started, so she would know what to do with her crystal singing bowls when she got home.

Have fun learning along with Ashley.



Judy's set of crystal singing bowls is very similar to Ashley's set of bowls, except she has a binaural beat going on between her G3 and the G#3-46.  She also has the high D5 to add some expansion to the set of singing bowls. 

The notes of her crystal singing bowl set include G3, G#3-46,  A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, D5 


 Sherri was very lucky to come to our shop when we had a low D#3 perfect pitch crystal singing bowl in stock. (These are hard to come by) 
You may have different notes in your set of crystal singing bowls but you can still pick up some great hints on how to play a set of crystal singing bowls by watching this video.  The notes in Sherri's set of bowls are D#3, G#3, A#3, C4, D#4, G#4, F4, C5


Emily called us to say she loved the sounds on our crystal singing bowl video "Sound Bath with Nature".  She was curious as to which notes I use used, so I made this video to show her what crystal singing bowls I used.

For the first half of the video, I explain the notes and show how they relate to each other. Then, at 9:30 the 15 minute sound bath begins. If you wish to hear just the sound bath, be sure to look under the Learn Sections for Sound Baths.

Notes includes in this set of E3, A3,B3,D4, D#4, E4, F#4, G#4, B4 (Video says B3)

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