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Books to Read

Books to Read

If you are exploring sound healing, we highly recommend you add these books to your reading list.

The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-Threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice, and Music

*IN STOCK - $29

Since 1991, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor has been achieving remarkable results by integrating music, vocalization, breathing, and meditation techniques in his work with patients. In The Healing Power of Sound, he presents his sound-based techniques for self-healing—techniques that anyone can use, whether faced with a life-threatening disease or simply seeking relief from the stresses of daily life.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the health benefits of music: it can lower blood pressure and heart and respiratory rates; reduce cardiac complications; increase the immune response; and boost our natural opiates. Gaynor shows how, when integrated as part of a mind-body-spirit approach to wellness, music can play a significant part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle or in healing serious disease. The Healing Power of Sound includes twelve exercises involving breathing, meditation, and "toning"—using pure vocal sound to resolve tension, release emotion, and spur the healing process—that can be used by anyone to improve health and quality of life.


This book includes twelve exercises involving breathing, meditation, and "toning"—using pure vocal sound to resolve tension, release emotion, and spur the healing process—that can be used by anyone to improve health and quality of life.


Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics

*IN STOCK - $19

Now considered a classic in the field of Sound Healing, this is the only book to share the extraordinary power of harmonics to heal and transform. It is a delightful balance of left and right brain material, with both scientific and spiritual information clearly presented. 

Includes Tibetan, Kabalistic and Shamanic sounds, as well as medical application of harmonic frequencies including the work of Alfred Thomas and Peter Guy Manners. 

There are also chapters on “Vowels as Mantras” and “The Fundamentals of Vocal Harmonics” which allow you to discover how to create and experience the transformative benefits of vocal harmonics. First published in 1992, this revised edition now includes new and timely updated information.


Human Tuning: Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

*IN STOCK - $28

Human Tuning: Sound Healing with Tuning Forks is the groundbreaking new book from Dr. John Beaulieu, answering all of your questions about sound healing and integrates science, sound, and spirituality! Human Tuning: Sound Healing with Tuning Forks is the groundbreaking new book from Dr. John Beaulieu, answering all of your questions about sound healing and integrates science, sound, and spirituality!

Our bodies can be tuned like musical instruments. When they are properly tuned we have a sense of well being and perfect self-expression.

Learn how to use special tuning forks to tune our nervous system to create greater harmony and balance.

John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D

Sound Healing & Values Visualization: Creating a Life of Value

*IN STOCK - $29

In this current and anticipated sequel Dr. Beaulieu emphasizes the role of consciousness / self-awareness in creating and cementing the therapeutic effects of sound healing practices. The essential task of sound healing practices consists of “creating a healing intention for sound”. Foreword by David Perez-Martinez, M.D.

Our intentions can be tuned to our highest values. This ground breaking and pioneering new work explores the vibratory nature of existence through science, mindful listening, and creative sound explorations. The Values Visualization™ process, designed by Dr. Beaulieu, is presented to create highly tuned intentions, based on our values, that are focused on healing and the attainment of life goals. When a highly tuned intention of value is carried into the core brain by sound, multi-dimensional neural networks instantly form in resonance with one’s intention that lead to healing outcomes and goal obtainment.

Step by step protocols and guided meditations that you can immediately use are presented for yourself, family, and friends, as well as for healing arts professionals. The last section focuses on the history and science of The Perfect Fifth (C & G BioSonic BodyTuners™) and its universal importance in sound healing. Special emphasis is given to BioSonic BodyTuners™ (C & G). All protocols and guided meditations can be performed during mindful environmental listening and/or with any sound healing instruments including but not limited to tuning forks, crystal bowls, metal bowls, lyres, bells, and your voice.

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New inventory arriving late December

Hundreds of PERFECT PITCH singing bowls are arriving, but we are not sure if they will be here for Christmas, so consider giving a GIFT CARD if you can't find what you are looking for. Look under Shop - Other Instruments - Gift Cards. or call us and maybe we can help. 905-563-3234

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